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HongKong Blockchain Association

HKBA香港區塊鏈協會(聯會) 致力於成為鏈接大中華及元宇宙世界的銜接平台,協會聯合眾多上市公司與全球機構,將香港打造成新時代的金融科技中心 FinTech Hub。旗下亞洲元宇宙聯盟、元宇宙教育學院 Edi.College 致力成為亞洲元宙宇知識分享平台。

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IDG Capital Vietnam

IDG Capital is a leading investment firm, focusing on developing extraordinary companies through our expertise in private equity, venture capital and mergers and acquisitions.

SoftBank Global

SoftBank Global is a venture capital group , focusing on technology and telecom early stage businesses. It was founded by SoftBank Group. Since 2015 it does not actively make investments, but it continues to oversee its prior portfolio


Sino Wealth Asset Management Limited

IDOM与WEALTH ASSET国新资产战略合作,作为技术方与基金方共同发行与管理合规的量化基金产品,能为高净值客户与机构提供合规且多元化的服务通道; *国新资产管理有限公司跟香港四大家族之一 -郑氏家族旗下之裕承科金资管理有限公司共同成立基金

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